Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Sometimes I wish that cameras never went digital. That way I'd be limited to 24 shots, or better yet, whatever was left on the roll I happen to have on hand. Being perpetually shutter-happy means I lose all control when something catches my eye. In just a few moments, I rack up more pictures than I can handle.

Images are everywhere and I don't know what to do with them. Cue the overwhelmed "oh God... ooh God" face, which in turn perpetuates my fatalistic view on this destructive hobby. A white flag, waving in the air, signaling forfeiture. There's just too much - albums on albums of photos I have yet to process - dating back to last November. And more a-comin' by the day. What do I - how should...?

So I let it all just sit on my hard drive (the poor lad gets more constipated by the day) and move on with the hustle and bustle of life. It's at times like these that I am reminded of a huge blessing, in the form of a friend who holds me accountable with this addiction passion of mine. So today's post is dedicated to this beauty,
who checks up on me and prods me to wake up. Everyone needs a friend like this who pushes you when you don't want to.

 Cheers to your faithfulness! 
Thank you Helen. I appreciate you so.

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