I used to think coffee was nasty. Why do people drink this stuff? Nowadays the question is directed at my body: why can't you tolerate more caffeine... much thanks to you, I routinely lament my ludicrous coffee curfew (which is 1pm should I want to get any sleep that night).
The smell, the taste, the feels. W-o-w.
But there's more - coffee has special powers; it has the unique ability to create spaces in which people gather. To chat, to catch up, to meet someone for the first time, to share life together, to strategize, to read, to study, and to get some work done. Low stress, rejuvenating atmospheres we like to call cafes.

The forecast senses many a cafe post to come. To start, cheers to one of my favorite spots in Brooklyn - Devoción in Williamsburg. A gem of a cafe with ample space, lighting (via a huge sun roof...), exposed brick, and - wait for it - a wall plastered with green plants. If I lived in New York, this is where I'd hang out.
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